Sunday, April 21, 2019

GStreamer's Meson and Visual Studio Journey

Almost 3 years ago, I wrote about how we at Centricular had been working on an experimental port of GStreamer from Autotools to the Meson build system for faster builds on all platforms, and to allow building with Visual Studio on Windows.

At the time, the response was mixed, and for good reason—Meson was a very new build system, and it needed to work well on all the targets that GStreamer supports, which was all major operating systems. Meson did aim to support all of those, but a lot of work was required to bring platform support up to speed with the requirements of a non-trivial project like GStreamer.

The Status: Today!

After years of work across several components (Meson, Ninja, Cerbero, etc), GStreamer is being built with Meson on all platforms! Autotools is scheduled to be removed in the next release cycle (1.18). Edit: as of October 2019, Autotools has been removed.

The first stable release with this work was 1.16, which was released yesterday. It has already led to a number of new capabilities:
  • GStreamer can be built with Visual Studio on Windows inside Cerbero, which means we now ship official binaries for GStreamer built with the  MSVC toolchain.
  • From-scratch Cerbero builds are much faster on all platforms, which has aided the implementation of CI-gated merge requests on GitLab.
  • The developer workflow has been streamlined and is the same on all platforms (Linux, Windows, macOS) using the gst-build meta-project. The meta-project can also be used for cross-compilation (Android, iOS, Windows, Linux).
  • The Windows developer workflow no longer requires installing several packages by hand or setting up an MSYS environment. All you need is Git, Python 3, Visual Studio, and 15 min for the initial build.
  • Profiling on Windows is now possible, and I've personally used it to profile and fix numerous Windows-specific performance issues.
  • Visual Studio projects that use GStreamer now have debug symbols since we're no longer mixing MinGW and MSVC binaries. This also enables usable crash reports and symbol servers.
  • We can ship plugins that can only be built with MSVC on Windows, such as the Intel MSDK hardware codec plugin, Directshow plugins, and also easily enable new Windows 10 features in existing plugins such as WASAPI.
  • iOS bitcode builds are more correct, since Meson is smart enough to know how to disable incompatible compiler options on specific build targets.
  • The iOS framework now also ships shared libraries in addition to the static libraries.
Overall, it's been a huge success and we're really happy with how things have turned out!

You can download the prebuilt MSVC binaries, reproduce them yourself, or quickly bootstrap a GStreamer development environment. The choice is yours!

Further Musings

While working on this over the years, what's really stood out to me was how this sort of gargantuan task was made possible through the power of community-driven FOSS and community-focused consultancy.

Our build system migration quest has been long with valleys full of yaks with thick coats of fur, and it would have been prohibitively expensive for a single entity to sponsor it all. Thanks to the inherently collaborative nature of community FOSS projects, people from various backgrounds and across companies could come together and make this possible.

There are many other examples of this, but seeing the improbable happen from the inside is something special.

Special shout-outs to ZEISS, Barco, Pexip, and for sponsoring various parts of this work!

Their contributions also made it easier for us to spend thousands more hours of non-sponsored time to fill in the gaps so that all the sponsored work done could be upstreamed in a form that's useful for everyone who uses GStreamer. This sort of thing is, in my opinion, an essential characteristic of being a community-focused consultancy, and we make sure that it always has high priority.

1 comment:

  1. I've been continually impressed with your contributions to Meson, so thanks and congratulations on this milestone!
